Sunday, October 25, 2009

I've Been Thinking...

Lately I have been thinking about things that I need to change or possibly change. Last year I decided that moving to Mesa, AZ was what I was supposed to do, but I decided that I needed to get my retirement years in, so I am in Vegas one last year.
Now that it is time to start thinking about this move again, it scares me. My job in Boulder City is VERY secure. This may seem very selfish and stuck-up, but now that a couple 5th grade teachers are gone at my school, I am getting requests and good kids. I am one of the popular teachers to have. I have a lot of LDS kids in my class and it has made all the difference in the world. I feel important at my school and valued in the community, and I don't want to start over again.
However, I don't like my ward. I am getting "older" and my options are dwindling. My friends all seem to be moving away and/or getting married. My own roommate is dating, and who knows, they may end up getting hitched soon.
I have a few friends in Arizona and I know that it would be so great to see them more often and they would be able to help me "adjust" to my new life and they could help me meet new people. I have heard that there are great single's wards out there.
If I would just know that YES, I am supposed to go there. I'll have a great job and I'll meet my husband there, then sign me up. But I have lived in Vegas, going on 6 years. The people I work with have become my greatest friends and my family away from home. That may sound cliche, but it's true and I don't want to start over again.
What's a girl to do? I know what I need to do; I am just afraid I'll get the answer that will make life scarier for a little bit. Oh to be an adult!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

28 is GREAT!

So yesterday I turned the big 2-8! It was an awesome day. It was great not having to work and being able to do whatever I wanted to do! I woke up earlier than I normally would and made myself some blueberry pancakes. Yummy! Then my roommate and I went and got pedicures. We now have cute toes.

In the afternoon we had friends over for pizza and cake. Then it was off to the BYU-UNLV game here in Henderson! It was so much fun to be with friends and being able to see BYU play. Of course they creamed UNLV, 59-21. It was so fun!

Then I today I made the birthday dinner that my mom would always make when I lived at home: pot roast, mashed potatoes, corn, and blueberry muffins! It was so delicious, but it wasn't as good as my mom's!